Pay attention to what you observe? Or observe what you pay attention to? Alertness is a strong capability of all horses. Actively scanning the environment to check whether the surroundings are safe, is an essential leadership quality. It is about having an overview, sensing opportunities, and estimating what is the most accurate thing to do
Ideas on Connective Clarity
Leadership as an answer to the question, As a leader, how do I become meaningful? In working with horses, I always start from the question: How do I become meaningful for this horse, in this moment? Becoming meaningful is a core element of leadership within the herd. Its not about winning or losing, being dominant
I invite you to make a clear distinction between telling a story and delivering a message. In working with horses, you: dont become meaningful by telling a story need to deliver a clear message Wouldnt it be helpful if also in your organisation the distinction was made between telling colourful stories and delivering clear messages?